
Tableau Server Administration

Tableau Desktop - IntermediateTABLEAU SERVER ADMINISTRATORDuration: 1 DayThis course is designed for new Tableau Server users responsible for the implementation, management, or monitoring of Tableau sites. The knowledge and skills acquired are best geared toward those...

Tableau Explorer

Tableau Desktop - IntermediateBUSINESS PROFESSIONALS involved in BUSINESS REPORTING Duration: 3 DaysThis course focuses on getting users of entry-level to conduct self-service analytics on Tableau Server with a Tableau Explorer license. The course will cover various...

Tableau Certified Data Analyst

Tableau Desktop SpecialistBI Analyst who uses TableauDuration: 5 DaysThis course is designed to prepare participants for the Tableau Certified Data Analyst exam. Although its exam-oriented, practical skills in creating visuals, analyzing data, and problem-solving will...

Tableau Desktop Specialist

Tableau Desktop SpecialistData Analysts interested in Tableau Desktop Duration: 3 DaysThis course helps participants to prepare for the Tableau Desktop Specialist exam by providing basic skills and knowledge on how to use Tableau Desktop. In training, participants...

Tableau Desktop – Intermediate

Tableau Desktop - IntermediateTableau users after attending TableauDesktop: FundamentalDuration: 2 Days This course is designed to provide you with the skills required to become a Tableaupower user. It’s made for the professional who has solid working experience with...

Tableau Desktop – Fundamentals

Tableau Desktop - FundamentalsBI Analyst who uses TableauDuration: 2 DaysThis course is designed for BI Analysts who have little to no experience in Tableau Desktop. It would introduce the participants to the overall interface and features of Tableau Desktop before...

Tableau Desktop – Advanced

Tableau Desktop - AdvancedTableau users after attending Tableau Desktop: IntermediateDuration: 2 DaysWhen analysis gets complicated, drag & drop fields into the views won’t solve your problem. When that happens, you need to understand how to solve the problems...

Getting your BI Data Ready with Tableau Prep

Getting your BI Data Ready with Tableau PrepTABLEAU DESKTOP USER who wants to perform DATA PREPARATION Duration: 2 DaysThis course is designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge how toprepare and shape data in Tableau Prep. Throughout the course, our...