
HR Event: Building a Future-Ready Workforce

Building a Future-Ready Workforce: How HR Adapt The Employees To The Changing Skillset DemandsTarget Audience: HR Executive/ Executive-Level Staff/ C-Level HR StaffDate: 14 July 2023Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (GMT+8) | 3 HoursIn this workshop, you will learn the...

Modern Data Engineering

Modern Data Engineering PERSONNEL involve in DATA INTEGRATIONDuration: 3 DaysData engineering is a crucial part to enable and operationalize big data analytics and its applications in the big data ecosystem. Modern data engineering ensures fast, secure, and...

Blockchain Technology For Accountants: An Introduction

Blockchain Technology For Accountants: An IntroductionAnyone from non-ICT background who  involved in creating, executing, monitoring and ensure the success of cooperate businessDuration: 1/2 dayBlockchain technology is disrupting the way business transactions in the...

Visual Analytics

Visual AnalyticsDATA PROFESSIONALS involve in DATA STORYTELLINGDuration: 3 DaysIn this course, you will learn to design visualizations that effectively share information and insights with others. This course will strengthen your understanding of visual best practices,...

Text, Web and Social Media Mining

Text, Web and Social Media MiningDATA SCIENTIST involve in TEXT & WEB MINING Duration: 3 DaysThis course is an introduction into knowledge discovery using unstructured data like text documents, web and social media contents. It focuses on the necessary...

Systematic Approach to Data Analytics

Systematic Approach to Data Analytics BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL involve in STRATEGIC PLANNING Duration: 2 Days Big data analytics is a long-term journey for organizations to achieve desired business objectives. Nowadays, enterprises are using data strategically to help...

Smart Manufacturing – Demand Forecasting

Smart Manufacturing Demand ForecastingPERSONNELS involve in SMART MANUFACTURINGDuration: 2 DaysOne of the most challenging aspects of supply chain is to predict the future demand. Using data from relevant sources, we can profile customer demands based on historical...

Monetizing Your Enterprise Datasets

Monetizing Your Enterprise Datasets C-LEVEL EXECUTIVES SENIOR, MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL SALES, MANAGER MARKETING MANAGE Duration: 1 Day This course prepares business professional ways to harness the advantages with ready available data from applications like CRM, ERP,...

Modern Data Warehousing

Modern Data WarehousingPERSONNEL involve in DATA WAREHOUSINGDuration: 2 DaysTypically, when enterprises talk about modernization of enterprise data warehouse, most of the focus will be on the technology and warehouse platform – the database management systems, Hadoop...

Management’s Guide to Data Science

Management's Guide to Data ScienceCORPORATE ADMINISTRATOR, BUSINESS MANAGER Duration: 1 DayThis introductory course seeks to expose business managers and corporate administrator to the world of data science and its application to enhance business performance and...

Introduction to Spark and Machine Learning

Introduction to Spark and Machine LearningPROFESSIONALS interested in SPARK PROGRAMMING, IT PROFESSIONALS, DATA ANALYSTDuration: 5 DaysThe ability to analyze huge data sets is definitely one of the most valuable technology skills today. This course is specifically...

Introduction to Data Analytics for Business

Introduction to Data Analytics for BusinessBusiness Personnel interested in Data AnalyticsDuration: 1 DayData is the new oil. Many organizations strive to transform into a data-driven organizations to effectively utilize data in their decision-making process across...

Hadoop Overview

Hadoop OverviewAnyone involve in BIG DATA and DATABASEDuration: 5 DaysThis course assists participants to become Hadoop Spark expert by learning core Big Data technologies and gain hands-on knowledge of Hadoop and Spark along with their ecosystem components like HDFS,...

Effective Data Storytelling

Effective Data Storytelling Individual interested in: Creating meaningful stories by combining data, narratives, and visuals. Sharing insights with confidence and enhance the overall quality and frequency of data conversations across your business. Establishing a...

Data Science Essentials

Data Science EssentialsDATA ANALYST and DATA SCIENTISTDuration: 3 DaysTraining Date 6 - 8 July 2020 (Penang) 24 - 26 August 2020 (KL) 19 - 21 October 2020 (Penang) 23 - 25 November 2020 (KL) Whether you are in finance, operations, sales & marketing or planning,...

Citizen Data Scientist

Citizen Data ScientistThe Definition of The Role The CPFA Citizen Data Scientist role is designed for peoples who work in various business units of the organization as the trained business users who shall be able to manipulate and analyze internal and/or external,...

Certified Data Architect

The role of CPFA Data Architect is to design, create, deploy and manage a Big Data infrastructure for an organization to store, process and enrich multiple data sources at scale, and to enable an effective data modeling environment for data assets management. In other words, the goal of this role is to create the data assets of the organization.